5 Healthy Lunch Ideas for Work

Rice Paper Rolls

5 Healthy Lunch Ideas for Work


Have you found yourself returning to work and slipping straight back into the same boring lunch routine as last year? Or maybe you’ve started relying on takeaway often because you’re lacking inspiration in the kitchen. It can take a while to get back on track with meal prep after a break, so here are 5 delicious and easy lunch ideas for work to help get you started:

  1. The classic sandwich


Sandwiches are often overlooked when it comes to healthy lunches, but the fact is, they can be one of the quickest and easiest, balanced meals around.  There are plenty of healthy breads to choose from when making a sandwich – wholegrain, sourdough, rye and spelt are all wholegrain options high in fibre and packed with nutrients. As for what goes between the bread, the options are endless! Aim to include the following for a satisfying and nutritious sandwich:

  • Protein: chicken, canned fish, lean meat, tofu
  • Vegetables: grated carrot, beetroot, cucumber, tomato, roasted capsicum, baby spinach, shredded cabbage
  • Healthy spread: nut butter, hummus, cottage cheese, avocado



  1. Healthy burrito bowl


Burrito bowls are versatile, tasty and require minimal prep time, making them an ideal work lunch. Using precooked brown rice and canned legumes helps this nutritious meal come together in no more than 5 minutes. Simply add brown rice to a bowl (or multiple containers if meal prepping for the week ahead). Add drained and rinsed legumes, and a variety chopped salad vegetables. Top with some chopped avocado and some grated cheese. Simple as that!


  1. The ultimate salad


It is a common misconception that salads are boring, but they don’t have to be! Preparing a salad that is healthy and tasty is possible, and a great option for work lunches during the warmer months. Here are 4 elements to include:

  1. Protein – to keep you feeling nice and full. Choose from chicken, fish, eggs, legumes, tofu or lean red meats and aim to fill ½ of your salad bowl.
  2. Carbohydrates – to boost your intake of fibre and micronutrients and to give you energy too! Opt for wholegrains such as brown rice, quinoa, barley, wholegrain bread.
  3. Vegetables (and fruit) – get creative and colourful to keep it interesting. Spinach, mixed leaves, rocket, grated beetroot, snow peas, mushrooms, shredded cabbage, roasted capsicums, mushrooms, grated apple or even blueberries work wonderfully in salads.
  4. Flavour – think nuts, seeds, hummus, guacamole, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, crumbled feta, fresh herbs and pesto. These are the ingredients to jazz up your salads. Drizzle salads with homemade dressing made with extra-virgin olive oil to avoid added salt and sugar in store-bought varieties.



  1. Rice paper rolls

Rice Paper Rolls

Rice paper rolls are quick and easy to make, and are a great change for the lunchbox, especially when the weather is warm! You can fill them with a huge variety of ingredients. By adding some protein such as shredded chicken breast, prawns, tofu or tempeh they will make a substantial and satisfying lunch. Aim to add plenty of colourful vegetables, and fresh herbs as well as cooked vermicelli rice noodles. A dipping sauce of equal parts fish sauce, sesame oil and soy sauce plus some lime juice and chopped cashew nuts is a delicious addition!


  1. Simple veggie frittata


Frittatas are a great way to use up all the leftover vegetables in your fridge at the end of the week and are ideal for work lunches. They can be eaten warm or cold, and are loaded with veg, protein and healthy fats, so are super healthy for you! Simply transfer any cooked and cooled vegetables of your choice into a mixture of whisked eggs and milk. If you have time, roast the vegetables for extra flavour! Pour into a greased pan and bake in the oven until set through. Serve with a slice of wholegrain bread and side salad. Easy and so nutritious.


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